Fascia is Structural

Fascia is structural.  Imagine being wrapped in a wetsuit of the finest fibers available.  And it’s alive!  Growing and responding to your movements day by day your entire life.  That’s what’s under your skin.  What we call ‘superficial fascia’.  It’s the ‘bag’ within which you live. (Yeah, I know, not pretty!)  And it supports you.  Sometimes .. it limits you. 


Fascia has this nasty tendency to thicken and anchor.  It does this in response to strain.  So if some nasty bloke misses the ball and nails your shin with his cleats, you’re lower leg’s going to swell.  Or if you happen to fall out of the saddle and get dragged by your favorite horse a few dozen meters, your ankle might just swell a bit.


So?  ‘That was years ago’, you say.  Well, yes.  And to provide some support, your fascia thickened and created a sort of ‘cuff’ about that lower leg or ankle, just under the skin.  Cool, isn’t it?  


Go ahead, feel around there a bit.  If it feels a bit different from the other leg, then that fascial ‘thickening’ never dissolved out.  ‘Hmmm’, you say.  ‘Could that be related to my twisting the same ankle again and again? .. or maybe even why I’ve got pain in that damn knee?’


Yes, possibly.  The fascia is there to support you - in the face of poor posture, significant injury, and chronic pain.  Yet those ‘helpful’ thickenings don’t  always melt away when we think they ought to.  And their consequences can be far-reaching, say, from your right ankle to the cant of your head.   


Time to begin noticing the ‘held’ patterns in your body.  You can change them.  Everything can change.  You just need good tools and patience.